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Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Feast Of All Saints!

The Feast Of All Saints...what an encouragement! It is the hope of all who are "working out (their) salvation with fear and trembling" that they will one day share in the Communion of the Saints, to the fullest extent.

How will you mark the day? With two lovely feast days back to back (All Saints/All Souls), our family has plans for the following:

All Saints Day

*We will read Revelation 7:2-4, 9-14 and discuss the Communion of the Saints.

*We will prepare soul cakes as an afternoon treat and discuss the custom of "souling" Perhaps we will learn this little song. Here's a recipe if you are interested:

Two sticks butter
3 and 3/4 cups sifted flour
1 cup fine white sugar
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg or mace
1 teaspoon each, cinnamon, ginger, allspice
2 eggs
2 teaspoons malt vinegar (or cider vinegar)

Oven: 350 degrees bake 20-25 minutes

Method: Cut the butter into the flour with a pastry blender (or a large fork); Blend in the sugar, nutmeg, cinnamon and spice; and mix to a stiff dough with the beaten eggs and vinegar. Knead thoroughly and roll out, 1/4 inch thick; cut into 3 inch rounds and set on greased baking sheets. Prick cakes with a fork and bake; sprinkle lightly with powdered sugar while still warm.

Alternative method: Cream butter and sugar. Mix in lightly beaten eggs and vinegar. Sift flour and spices, add and mix to a stiff dough. Knead thoroughly and follow the rest of the directions above.

*We will attend the Traditional Latin Mass at 8:00 p.m.

All Souls Day

*A walk through an historic cemetery two miles from our home, along with prayers for the repose of the souls of the faithful will be lovely.

*We will look for symbolic carvings on the headstones and discuss meanings.

*We will offer special prayers for our departed friends and relatives.

For the past few years we have added prayers for the souls of the faithful at the end of our supper prayer. We also pray for souls as we pass cemeteries. These prayers are so very important. How important? Read this.

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